Mission-Vision Statements

By Scott Cleveland

Mission Statements and Vision Statements are created to clearly convey the direction of the company. Companies without a meaningful Mission / Vision statement tend to be rudderless.

Mission and Vision Statements are all over the map. Some companies only have one or the other, while other companies will use a Mission Statement as a Vision Statement and vice versa. Used properly, Mission Statements and Vision Statements are powerful tools. They provide employees with a company direction. They provide the answer to which activities to pursue and which not to pursue. If an activity does not help your company move toward its vision, then don't do it.

Mission Statements

The prime audience for a mission statement is the employees of the company. A Mission Statement should be concise. It should reflect the company's business strategy and focus on the customer. It should answer three questions:

- What do we do?
- How do we do it?
- For whom do we do it?

What do we do? This question should not be answered in terms of what you are selling to your customer. It is about how your product or service solves their psychological need. Your customer expressed 'frustration' over some problem and by purchasing your product or service, their 'frustration' is now gone.

How we do it? This answer should deal with the product or service that you are selling, how you will sell it and how it is delivered to the customer. It should fit with the psychological need expressed above.

For whom do we do it? This answer should identify who we will be marketing to.

Geico example - It is important that when severe weather threatens, you know where to turn for information to ensure that you, your loved ones and your vehicle are safe. Auto damage adjusters from around the country will help handle the claims this storm season. These adjusters will remain in affected areas as long as necessary to take care of you and every GEICO customer.

- What do we do? When weather threatens, we want to make you feel safe
- How we do it? Use adjusters from around the country
- For whom we do it? Our customers

Vision Statements

A vision is a statement about what your company will look like in the future - say 10 years from now. A vision should stretch the organization's capabilities and image of itself. It gives shape and direction to the organization's future. It should be fairly short and easy to remember. Let's look at some examples...

Microsoft example - Bill Gates' initial vision was to have a computer on every desk. Employees at Microsoft worked to make the computer useful [applications that people wanted] and they worked to make it easy to use. Today, their vision is to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. The initial vision had more meaning.

Sony example - Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world. Their vision could be clearer, something like 'Sony will be the most comprehensive entertainment company in the world' or 'the world will look to Sony for comprehensive entertainment'.

Boeing example - Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. We continue to expand our product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. This vision is rather vague - they should be proposing what they believe those emerging customer needs will be.

Aerovironment example - AV develops and produces Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Efficient Electric Energy Technologies that enable our customers to rewrite the rules - of engagement, productivity, efficiency and safety - to their advantage. Aerovironment is a small company that went public recently. Their vision statement is quite clear.

While doing this research, I found it much easier to find a vision statement from a smaller company. The bigger companies didn't always post their vision. Smaller companies appear to be more in tune to their vision than bigger companies. However, I would suggest that it is a mistake for a bigger company not to have a vision statement. It provides direction. What will the company be selling in the future? What does our customer base want? It keeps focus on developing the product or service of the future. It promotes innovation. It keeps you ahead of your competition.

There is an old saying - If you don't know where you are going then it doesn't matter how you get there. But if you know your final destination [your vision] then you and your employees will choose the paths that will help you get there.

Scott Cleveland is an innovative, creative, technical VP of marketing & sales at Ingenuus Software with over 20 years of experience in marketing and marketing management; sales and sales management; and business process consulting aimed at high tech companies like Adaptec, Applied Materials, Cisco, Sun Microsystems and many of the aerospace and defense contractors.

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Mission-Vision-Statements&id=1647626


How Competitive Analysis Affects Your Business

By Angela De Jesus

We all know that an effective web design, from the simplest brochure website to the most complicated web application, needs a lot of understanding of its context. While user-centered design concentrates on user's needs or tasks and information architecture concentrates on content, these two aspects alone offer an incomplete picture. The mixing piece is the context or the environment in which the website or web application is used too as the market in which it exists.

What is the role and benefits of competitive analysis?

As imply by its name, competitive analysis is an examination of the companies in a given industry sector or market niche that are competing with your company's products or services for market share. By doing this analysis, they have a depth exploration of the top fie competitors, or a larger numbers of competitors could be explored. In most cases, the client will have recognized the target competitors for you.

The main benefits of any competitive analysis are:

1. Having a better understanding of your competitor's doing;

2. Being aware of what they are offering to customers;

3. Knowing how to maintain your competitive advantage.

All the findings from this analysis will likely to affect your company's strategic planning. But of course, this is totally not the take-away from the process of analyzing competitors.

Another advantage of competitive analysis includes enhancing the knowledge base of those working on your website or web application. The analysis offers information about content and functionality that they have maybe not considered. This is especially true for novice to your industry and should be fairly common.

Identify Best Practices

By doing an exploration with your competitor's site, you will have an opportunity to find out what is working well for them and what is usually being offered through the web. For instance, if all the competitors are offering particular content and functionality, user's will likely to expect that you offer the same. If those things are not present, most likely, they will go to your competitor's site instead. Always remember that user expectations often go beyond just giving the information or offering the functionality and move into questions of information design. In short, know the quality of the user experience. Poor implementations, of course will not end in higher conversion rates.

The last advantage of competitive analysis comes from expanded dialogue with the development team and with other units in your company about what competitive data means to your strategic direction. This dialogue can open up new options that would not otherwise have been considered.

You must consider improving the search engine ranking of your website as soon as possible. There are lots of affordable SEO services offered by different companies from around the world.

Angela de Jesus is a operations manager in PWS | Philippines Web Solutions. PWS is composed of competitive and innovative individuals with the same purpose of providing excellent and professional web development and marketing services to our clients. Philippines Web Solutions offers the most affordable SEO services while you are guaranteed of real ranking results.

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Competitive-Analysis-Affects-Your-Business&id=3469849